<p>Athidhi, the much anticipated web series by actor Venu Thottempudi, is now available to watch on OTT giant Disney Plus Hotstar. Bharat Y G is the author and director of “Athidhi.” The thriller web series also features Avanthika, Aditi Gautam, Venkatesh Kakumani, Bhadram, Gayatri Chaganti, Ravi Varma, Chanakya Teja, and Pooja in addition to Venu Thottempudi.<img decoding=”async” class=”alignnone wp-image-191765″ src=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/theindiaprint.com-athidhi-twitter-review-telugu-series-starring-venu-thottempudi-called-good-one-but.png” alt=”theindiaprint.com athidhi twitter review telugu series starring venu thottempudi called good one but” width=”1363″ height=”767″ srcset=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/theindiaprint.com-athidhi-twitter-review-telugu-series-starring-venu-thottempudi-called-good-one-but.png 350w, https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/theindiaprint.com-athidhi-twitter-review-telugu-series-starring-venu-thottempudi-called-good-one-but-150×84.png 150w” sizes=”(max-width: 1363px) 100vw, 1363px” title=”Athidhi Twitter Review: Telugu Series Starring Venu Thottempudi Called "Good One," But "Lags in Screenplay" 6″></p>
<p>According to the series’ official description, the plot involves “a mansion full of secrets, an unexpected guest, and a twist you won’t see coming!” Athidhi’s recently released chill-inducing trailer was also released by the filmmakers. View it here:</p>
<p>Review of Athidhi Twitter<br />
Early evaluations of “Athidhi” have now been out, as seen by the comments people have posted on microblogging platform X, formerly known as Twitter.</p>
<p>As for Athidhi<br />
The Telugu horror series “Athidhi” was created by Praveen Sattaru. A lone guy living in a mansion finds a mystery lady at his doorway, which sets off a disturbing story of strange things happening on a rainy night.</p>